What's stopping you from living the life you've dreamt of? What are the things that are holding you back from doing the things you enjoyed before life became....so....hectic! What if I told you I could help? When I started this new chapter of my life, and began seeking joy & experiences instead of chasing money & climbing the corporate ladder - it took a lot of soul searching. It led me to think about the things I did as a child and the dreams I had growing up. I found that I had lost much of it along the fast-paced 'adulting' path. Balancing a full time job & being a mom/wife, alongside laundry, cleaning, errands, bills, and everything in between took precedence over the experiences that made me feel like my true self. When people asked me what I like to do in my spare time, I didn't have much to say. I'd stopped doing most of it. It's all too common that the hopes & dreams we strive for as we grow, fall to the wayside as we move through life. What can I tell you about the last few months, since I've changed my intention and focus? The pay off has been HUGE. My time with my husband and son is much more vibrant and robust. My self care has come a long way, and I'm actually fueling my body with the nourishment I need to slay the day. I don't feel 'under the gun' and suffocated by the constant pressures of corporate life. I drink water. I take my vitamins. I walk instead of hopping in the car. I'm sleeping better. I'm laughing more. I dance to Bruno Mars before bedtime. I sing. I breathe. I'm happy. And guess what - my business is still thriving! I'm finding my freedom more and more each day. Are you finding yours? When I changed my course, I felt like I had waited too long. Like it was too late. I'd almost forgotten the person that I once was. I promise you it's never too late. Choose YOU today. Choose time with your friends & family. Choose to truly live. Life is too short to be consumed with the details of the day that provide us no fulfillment. It's time to put yourself first and change your life. Need a hand to get started? If I could help you find your path, would you explore it? What are you waiting for? Nicole